
Amazon Is Selling Kid’s T-Shirts With Criminally Offensive Slogans. But Why?

Who the hell would ever buy one of these?

Originally Published:
Amazon / Onlybabycare

Editor’s Update: A representative from Amazon has reached out to Fatherly and issued the following statement: “All sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who do not will be subject to action including potential removal of their account. The product in question is no longer available.” The original story follows.

The Amazon logo has an arrow that goes from A to Z, a symbol of the fact that you can buy pretty much anything on the site. That’s normally a good thing for shoppers, but sometimes a truly awful item will make its way onto the site

The latest example is a T-shirt marketed for kids emblazoned with maybe the worst slogan in the history of T-shirts: “Daddy’s Little Slut.” Seriously.

Yashar Ali, a contributor toNew Yorkand HuffPost, tweeted a photo of the shirt “in hopes it’ll expedite removal from Amazon.”

Ali is something of a Twitter gadfly, and after he alerted his followers the outrage came swiftly. Replies came in from those equally shocked to see this product available for purchase, many of whom tagged Amazon in their replies.

Hours later, the item was removed.

However, we wanted to investigate this further because honestly what the hell? We had a hunch that a company that would sell a shirt this bad would have other equally terrible options. We weren’t wrong; Onlybabycare has plenty of other offensive options for sale on the site.

It’s clear these slogan t-shirts are this company’s focus, as they have over 46 pages full of products for kids with the same stock model kid. The slogans range from generic ones about tacos and kittens to age-inappropriate ones about being single, drinking, and other themes that don’t belong anywhere near kids clothing.

One user helpfully explained the provenance of such insane slogans.

That may be the reason the shirts exist, but there’s still no reason that, well, the shirts should exist. And when it comes to items meant to be worn by children, it doesn’t seem unreasonable for Amazon to come up with an approach that will keep this kind of thing off of its site.

This article was originally published on