
Canadian TV Cut Donald Trump Out of ‘Home Alone 2’ And Don Jr. Is Pissed

But you can still see the unabridged version of the film on Disney+/

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Twentieth Century Fox

Donald Trumpis a lotofthings but a great actor is not one of them. A perusal of his IMDB page reveals a smattering of appearances in movies and TV shows starting in the late ’80s, fromSpin CitytoZoolander。Trump also shows up in小鬼当家2:失去了在纽约to offer directions to Kevin McCallister, a guest at The Plaza, which Trump owned at the time.

But you might not know that if you’ve only seen the film on Canadian television in the last five years. Along with other footage, Trump’s scene was cut when the film was adapted for television. It’s a standard practice that predates Trump’s 2016 campaign, the CBC’s head of public affairs was forced to explain.

We say “forced” because some of the president’s perpetually aggrieved supporters see the move as a slap in the face despite all of the evidence to the contrary. No less a Trump surrogate than the president’s eldest son called the move “pathetic” on Twitter.

To his credit, the president didn’t seem to get as bent out of shape as Don Jr., who always seems to be trying to get his dad’s attention.

Trump has, as recently as Christmas Eve,referenced his rolein the movie. In a teleconference with troops around the world, he (of course) said, “Well, I’m inHome Alone 2, and a lot of people mention it every year, especially around Christmas.”

“It’s been a good movie and I was a little bit younger, to put it mildly, and it was an honor to do it,” he continued.

If you’re dying to watch the unedited cut ofHome Alone 2,it’s available on Disney+。和if you want to see Trump’s greatest onscreen triumph, check out his appearance as rich kid Waldo’s dad inThe Little Rascals

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