The show returns this weekend in time for


See Jim Carrey as Joe Biden for the First Time in 'SNL' Trailer

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Saturday Night Livereturns to television (and itslongtime home at Rockefeller Center) this weekend. The presidential campaign hasentered the home stretch, and political humor was going to be a big part of the new season even before the presidentcontracted the diseasehimself.

Alec Baldwin andMaya Rudolphare returning as Trump and Harris, respectively, and Lorne Michaels let slip last month that Jim Carrey would step in to play Joe Biden. And now we have our first glimpse of him in a special teaser video posted to YouTube yesterday.

The clip opens with a tracking shot of the costume racks that stops at as “Jim Carrey / BIDEN” label. Cut to a barber’s smock being thrown around a man’s neck and a white wig being placed upon a scalp with a face that’s never shown.

有一些照片的鲁道夫自己的化妆品chair before the big reveal: Carrey, standing back-to-back with Rudolph, wearing the wig and a very accurate Biden facial expression: brow furrowed, mouth slightly agape, eyes squinty.

Our first impression is that Carrey really looks like Biden. Aside from the great hair and makeup job, they have similarly elongated faces. And it should come as no surprise that the comedian captures Biden’s body language so well.

The final shot shows Carrey putting on Biden’s signature aviators and cracking the same grin Biden gets when he knows he’s getting ice cream. For her part, Rudolph keeps the same trying-just-hard-enough-to-look-cool expression that Harris always seems to have.

The bottom line is that if they perform as well as they look, the next month’s worth ofSNLepisodes will be must-see TV.

Saturday Night Liveairs on NBC at 11:30 ET on October 3.

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