
‘Mandalorian’ Showrunner Confirms Baby Yoda is Not Actually Yoda

Just so we're clear, "The Child" is not really Yoda.

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Everyone lovesBaby Yoda. For parents,the Mandalorian caring for Baby Yodahas made the bleak space saga relevant to parenthood. In just a few short weeks Star Wars has suddenly become more relevant than ever to all sorts of people, and it’s all thanks to an adorable character called “The Child” who never speaks. But who is the Child? Is he somehow a clone of Yoda? Is he Yoda reincarnated? If you’re fuzzy on the timeline ofThe Mandalorian, did you think thiswasbaby Yoda?

Here’s the deal. Baby Yoda isnotYoda and the guy who runsThe Mandalorianjust made that pretty clear. Jon Favreau (you know, the guy who madeIron Man) has been doing a pretty solid job steeringTheMandalorianship thus far, and recently he’s answered a few questions about why everyone loves “Baby Yoda” so much. Speaking toThe Hollywood Reporter,Favreau made it pretty clear, just in case you were confused, that this little creature is nottheYoda.

“I think what’s great about what George [Lucas] created is that Yoda proper — the character that we grew up watching— was always shrouded in mystery, and that was what made him so archetypal and so mythic.” Obviously, because another creature of Yoda’s species is being featured so heavily, some of that shroud is being lifted, but Favreau is quick to point out there’s still plenty to discover.

“We know who he is based on his behavior and what he stands for, but we don’t know a lot of details about where he comes from or his species. I think that’s why people are so curious about this little one of the same species.”

The keywords to focus on here are these:this little one of the same species.

Baby Yoda is not actual Yoda, becauseThe Mandalorianhappens six years afterReturn of the Jedi, the moviein which Yoda died. It was a peaceful death though, and before he died he told Luke “there is another…Skywalker.” Funny he didn’t mention another Yoda!

The Mandalorianis streaming on Disney+ now. Here’s our guide to when all the episodes drop.

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