
ScarJo’s Baby Cosmo Just Passed a Major Milestone, and It’s Adorable

"Who knew? There they are, life-changing.”


One of the best things about raising kids is getting to rediscover everything again through their eyes. The first time they see a cat, being in snow for the first time, trying bacon. It’sall new to themat first and it’s a lovely phase of parenting. And it sounds like actress Scarlett Johansson is getting to relive it all withher son Cosmo, who has recently made an adorable discovery.

Scarlett最近迎来了她的第二个孩子,Cosmo,一个输入端t boy she shares with herhusband Colin Jost. Cosmo is in the cutefour-month-old stagewhich means everything is brand new to him. Even his feet—which he recently discovered.

Speaking toPeoplefor its Thursday episode ofThe TV Show!Scarlett was promoting the upcoming movieSing 2and gave an update on how her youngest babe is doing. The proud mama said her son is “great” and he’s in that phase where he’s “making all the fun discoveries, like feet!”

According toHealthy Children, the four-month mark is generally where kids start having more control over their hands and feet. And Cosmo’s been really into his new discovery. “It’s the best,” Scarlett said, “I mean, feet, who knew? There they are, life-changing.”

Now that Cosmo has discovered his feet, he’s all about them. Scarlett said he does “everything” with his feet and he’s fascinated with his toes. Cosmo loves to “stare at them, pull on them, chew on them,” she said.

“It’s just unbelievable,” she continues. “I mean, can you imagine you never realized you had feet and then you looked down, and there they are? You’re like, ‘Whoa.'”

It’s a really fun part of parenting – around the four-month mark – becausebaby is able to start interactingwith their world more. Mom and dad get feedback with smiles, coos, and cuddles, and it starts to feel like the juggle of newborn life is changing to more interaction and play.

And yes, toes can provide endless hours of fascination and fun for babies – and parents.