
Is Deadpool 2 Worthy of a Rare Parents’ Night Out?

The Merc with a mouth's second outing is fun, violent, and a bit exhausting. Is it worth the cost of a babysitter?

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Twentieth Century Fox; Fatherly Illustration

A trip to the movies is a sacred thing. While you could once go see any movie whenever you wanted without a second thought, the responsibility of taking care of another human life means thatdate nightsare mostly a relic of the past. Going to the theater requires inordinate amounts of time and dedication, so when you finally get the chance to see a movie you need to be sure its worth it.

So, doesDeadpool 2符合要求吗?2016篇咄咄逼人的superh续集ero film has come out of the gate with strong reviews and huge box office numbers but does that mean it’s worthy of your oh-so-rare time as well as the price of sitter (and popcorn and tickets)? Here’s what you should know.

What’sDeadpool 2About?

The sequel takes place two years after the original film, with Deadpoo (Ryan Reynolds) working as a mercenary. He’s suddenly forced to protect Firefist, a slightly unstable teen mutant, from Cable (Josh Brolin), a time-traveling cybernetic super-soldier. Eventually, Deadpool forms a superteam known as the ‘X-Force’ to help fend off the bad guys, keep Firefist safe, and serve as a sounding board for his jokes and references.

What’s Works InDeadpool 2?

The greatest strength ofDeadpool 2, and, really, the entire franchise as a whole, is that it is a superhero movie that is aware of the fact that the entire concept of superheroes is kind of silly. In the post-Dark Knightera, Marvel and DC have worked tirelessly to make superpowered vigilantes in costumes feel as real as possible.Deadpool 2has no interest in being grounded or following expectations. It’s a balls-to-the-walls ridiculous while still telling an entertaining and satisfying story.

The movie is also packed with phenomenal performances all across the board, starting with Ryan Reynolds,the Internet’s cheekiest dad. In the hands of a lesser actor, Deadpool would have gotten stale real fast. But Reynolds has the right amount of arrogance, wit, and voice-acting chops to make the character’s nonstop antics feel fun and fresh instead of annoying. He also brings an unexpected level of pathos to the character without getting too melodramatic or cheesy.

The rest of the cast is just as great. Josh Brolin’s serious, brooding Cable is the perfect foil to the devil-may-care style of Deadpool. Newcomers Zazi Beetz (Domino) and Julian Dennison (Firefist) are both fantastic, as is Brianna Hildebrand in her return as Negasonic Teenage Warhead (which remains the greatest superhero name in the history of superhero names). Rob Delaney just about steals the entire movie with his hysterical turn as Peter,the delightfully dorky dadwhose only powers include his impeccable sense of dad fashion and the ability to grow a totally bitching mustache.

What Doesn’t Work inDeadpool 2?

While the best part ofDeadpool 2is its willingness to say fuck it and go a little crazy, the worst part of the movie is how proud of itself it is for saying fuck it and going a little crazy. Deadpool is inherently smug character and while that is often used to great effect, sometimes the self-satisfaction reaches insufferable heights. The entire movie works a little too hard to remind you how “edgy” it and its bad boy protagonist are, which can be grating.

Deadpool 2could also benefit from a reminder of the dangers of too much of a good thing, as the film overindulges in pretty much everything, especially in jokes department. Deadpool’s whole shtick is reliant upon a high level of self-awareness and while the that can be hilariously effective at times, other times it comes across as a lazy crutch used to cover up the film’s weaknesses. Self-deprecation and fourth wall breaking are both extremely effective comedic devices when used properly but in this case, they are used excessively with diminishing returns.

IsDeadpool 2Sexy?

Not unless rapid-fire dialogue revolving around meta-humor and dick jokes gets you in the mood. This movie wears its sophomoric sense of humor as a badge of honor and while that is great for laughs, it’s less conducive for couples hoping to reignite their sexual spark.

IsDeadpool 2Romantic?

Not so much. Wade Wilson’s fiancee Vanessa was not given much to do in the firstDeadpooland while she gets a slightly more interesting arc in the sequel, their love story remains one of the less compelling components of the film. It’s not unromantic, per se, but romance definitely exists on the backburner.

Anything Else I Should Know?

-Stay for the end of the credits. While this has become the norm for superhero movies,Deadpool 2offers some legitimate surprises in its post-credits sequence. Don’t miss it.

-The movie also features some truly fantastic cameos and really makes use of them. We won’t spoil them but viewers should keep their eyes open for plenty of surprise appearances.

-Reynolds made the claim thatDeadpool 2is a family movieat its core. This turns out to be mostly bullshit. The idea of choosing one’s own family and putting other’s needs ahead of oneself are in the film but certainly aren’t what audiences will ultimately remember about the sequel. That’s not a bad thing but it’s something viewers might want to know going in.

-A quick warning for anyone who may be a bit squeamish about excessive violence: This movie is violent. Like,violentviolent. People who love lot of arterial spray and decapitations will be delighted but it may be too much for others.

So… IsDeadpool 2Worth It?

Yes. No. Maybe? To be totally honest, it depends entirely on how you felt about the first film. IfDeadpoolfelt like a refreshing, irreverent change of pace for the superhero genre, then chances are you will viewDeadpool 2as another successful chapter in the franchise. But for anyone who felt the entire concept ofDeadpoolwas a bit much, it’s unlikely that the sequel will change that opinion.

Overall,Deadpool 2是一个建立在坚实的续集f做什么irst film a box office and cultural juggernaut while adding some exciting new elements. But, like the first film, it is also hyper-violent, crass, and, at times, less interesting than it thinks it is. So if you and your spouse share a slightly immature and extremely morbid sense of humor,Deadpool 2will serve as the ideal date night movie. If not, hey,Solocomes out next week.

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