
‘Falcon and Winter Soldier’ Episode 5 Leak: Huge Marvel Cameo Coming

A "well-known performer" will be playing a familiar Marvel character.


There may or may not be anyX-Menlurking in the new Disney+ Marvel shows, but the showrunner ofThe Falcon and the Winter Soldierhas confirmed that a big comic book cameo is coming very soon.In Episode 5 ofThe Falcon and the Winter Soldier,we’ll meet a “grounded” familiar Marvel character played by a “well-known performer.” What could it mean?Possible spoilers ahead forFalcon and Winter Soldierepisode 5.

Over onSlashfilm,Hoai-Tran Bui is pointing out thatFAWSshowrunner Malcolm Spellman teased out a big character cameo recently, and thatSlashfilmhas independently learned that the cameo “is not one that we’ve seen in the MCU before and not one who is primed to appear in an upcoming film. However, we have learned it is an existing Marvel Comics character who is played by a well-known performer.”

In a separate interview, Spellman indicated the character in question was “grounded,” which, combined with theSlashfilmscoop, could indicate that we’re dealing with someone who doesn’t have superpowers. It also seems likely that whoever this person is, they’re also not a member of the Avengers. That said, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have connections to superheroes or mutants, simply that they’re not a superhero… yet.

Ever since “the aerospace engineer” was mentioned inWandaVision, fans have started to wonder if Reed Richards, from the Fantastic Four was being alluded to. It’s also possible that with all the dark, brain-washing stuff, Doctor Doom could be lurking around in the world ofThe Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

这不是聪明的地方任何押注superheroes and supervillain cameos right now, but if a pre-iron mask Doctor Doom shows up inFAWSepisode 5, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

In the meantime, here’s the trailer for the final two episodes, and yeah, it looks like Bucky and Sam are taking the fight directly to the new Captain America, John Walker.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldierhastwo episodes left on Disney+.