Graham Techler


Turn A Stubborn Toddler Into A Helper With These Magic Words

It's all about how you say things.


How To Be The Best Damn Gift Giver You Can Be

Gift giving is an art. Here's how to nail it every time.


Want a More Inclusive Family Holiday? Make Everyone a Sous Chef

This holiday season, don't just eat together, make the meal as a family.


The Origin of “Dad” And Why Some Men Prefer to Be Called “Father”



The Big Problem With Turning Your Family Into a “Brand”

In the age of social media, many parents are transforming their families into what people want to see. And there lies the issue.


Political News Is Bad for People, Specifically Parents

In our modern media era where political news dominates, parents are affected in a particularly harmful way.


What Adult Children of Divorce Want Parents to Know

Some sound advice from adults who witnessed their parents' divorce when they were young.


Is Emotional Dependency Putting a Strain on Your Marriage?

As with all things in life, the ideal marriage requires balance.


Anger Management Classes: What To Look For When You’re Looking for Help

Feeling pissed off all the time? You're not alone. But trying to handle those feelings by yourself is a bad idea.


Time Management for Parents: 23 Ways to Be More Efficient at Everything You Do

Okay, maybe not "everything." But these 23 tips, offered by parenting and efficiency experts as well as regular moms and dads, can help you carve out more time to be with your family.


Child Support: What Parents Need to Know

Child support is a complicated process. Here's everything parents confronted with it should know.


Compromise Is Key in Marriage. Here’s How to Do it Right.

Learning how to concede is an art. So is knowing what concessions to make. Here's how to do it properly.


Chore Charts for Kids: How to Make a Chore Chart That Really Works

Some expert tips for making a chore chart that gets the job done.


How to Talk to Someone You Can’t Stand

Life forces you to interact with a lot of people you find annoying — or flat out can't stand. Here's how to make the best of them.


Nice Guys Suffer at Work, but They Succeed at Home

男人不t conform to masculine norms often get penalized at the workplace. But they're more wired for success at home.


The Trick to a Happier Marriage Is Easier Than You Think

It all comes down to getting on the same emotional wavelength.


Prenups Aren’t Just For The Filthy Rich Anymore

Millennial couples are signing prenuptial agreements far more frequently. But what accounts for the spike isn't what you think.


You Hate Your Wife’s Friends Because You’re Jealous

If difficulties between you and your wife's friends are causing a rift in your marriage, those friends are most likely not the problem.


How to Protect Your Marriage From Your Baby

A baby is a nuclear bomb, and if you're not careful it can turn your relationship to ash. Here's how to make sure your marriage is ready.